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What is a dog's diet -

21-12-2016 à 20:27:34
What is a dog's diet
My dad told me and my brother he was taking Rex to the vet and not to worry. It might be the right move, but my goodness, not in all cases. I feel really bad for those who do not have family to lean on when they are in a tough situation. Heather Leverette How very cruel of you to knock someone down for trying to care for their sick furbuddy. omar Hello there. Now I am considering getting a second opinion after reading what your vet said about congestive heart failure. Yelling at people to take their furry babies to the vet or get rid of them is wrong. The term dog typically is applied both to the species (or subspecies) as a whole, and any adult male member of the same. With my disabilities, I have felt so guilty having such a big dog and may not be the perfect person for a dog this size and have seriously thought of finding her a new home. Yes, you can make payments on vet bills, but seriously, now days who can afford that on top of anything else they have to pay. We found him abandoned when I was about 1-2. Deborah Are there certain breeds of dogs that are prone to digestive issues. If you do not see any recovery in your pet, please visit your vet. My dog Tycho was barking like crazy in the middle of the night one day and my dad rushed outside to see what was wrong. I found him two weeks ago he is friendly and beautiful. Thanks. You know, reading stuff like that just makes me lose hope for humans more and more. It was the Snooks Organic sweet potato chew. The vet knows more about your dog and can help determine the right dog food for her. Dogs are highly variable in height and weight. The day before Thanksgiving I was making an apple pie and I gave my Chihuahua couple of apple strips. Tagged with: Diarrhea Stomach Vomiting About Michelle Schenker Since the day she was born, Michelle has lived in a home full of dogs and dog lovers. geri A natural laxative that is also anti-bacterial is castor oil. He has been vomiting a clear, foamy substance with a few strands of grass in it off and on all evening yesterday. Mary How have you made out with the vet please. The point of insurance is to be able to cover the unexpected expenses when your dog becomes ill or injured. We need to pressure our law makers to pass laws to protect our pets, many are considered a family member and their life is as valuable as every other family member. I came home from work tonight and he seemed fine till I found either throw up or diarrhea on my couch. My bedroom had a window connected to my backyard were my dogs were so I could see half of what was happening. An adult female capable of reproduction is a brood bitch, or brood mother. Cutting to the chase Rex died about 3-4 years ago. And they love the taste. When the product mentions a distributor and you have doubts about the origin of the food call the number printed on the box and make sure the product is made in the USA. My questions are is Rice really ok for dogs. No website can match the help that a trained veterinarian and an actual in-person physical exam to determine the best plan of treatment. Just let their animals stay sick without advice. You can help your little one go potty right in the toilet, or if a bigger animal on a potty pad or in the bath tub, what ever is easiest for you to clean when done. I worried that a chicken bone may have gotten into his system and took him to the vet. Our vet has recommended Benadryl, a mg per lb. maxmom So true. I dispensed just a small amount of the Pepto-Bismol to her and poured the electrolyte in her water bowl with chips of ice. Find someone who can give her more than me. It stops the dog from digesting food and symptoms can be vomiting, belly ache, lethargy, and dehydration. I just feel like people have no right to judge anyone because no one knows a strangers story behind their animal, and for one day they will be judged. Some of these people that are not rich would do more for their pet than one that is. Try to figure it out yourself for a day or two, unless you think it is an emergency or your pet is in serious pain. It is gentle to the tummy giving them a calm feeling. Marion Tharrington The first ones to abuse animals are the vets. You could pay for Xrays, ultrasound, blood test, etc. I realize this message was left a month ago, and the problem I hope has resolved happily. The other knee went the next year but she is now 13 and not even stiff. So we gave him his former food (small chunks Iams) and he has been throwing up 6 hours after, the food is not digested and sometimes it is runny. Can I give him cold stuff and ice cream to lower down the temp or any other suggestions. They gave him some kind of treatment, I forget what, but he was okay. Should the condition persist, the most dangerous threat is likely to be dehydration. However, reality tells me otherwise, personally, I have 6 dogs, 2 of them are foster dogs and both are pitbull mix, very hard to find a good place for them because of the judgmental ignorance of other humans, both are well behaved and absolutely loving companions. We just took my father-in-laws dog to the vet and discovered she had early-stage heartworms. Diane I try to rescue any dog I see left beside the road. In 2 years, my car and a bank loan are both paid up and I can breathe again financially. Ask your vet about payment plans or look into options like CareCredit that will allow you to space out the payments. I would exhaust all external options first before going right to surgery. In the last couple of weeks he has begun to eat grass and vomit in the morning only. Most good veterinary offices will allow you to pay over time. Kevin I rescued my lab a year and a half ago. Call ahead and explain to the secretary that your dog needs care, but you are not in a financial position to pay that day. If you are concerned about the costs of treating your pet each time you visit the vet, you might want to consider. Do your best and most of the time you can determine what is wrong. I have asked vets before and they say that white rice, no bone chicken and no human food is good when your dog is sick. I have not had an issue with dry hard stools in any of them. Alison The SPCA vet in Titusville, FL is very low cost and the SPCA adoption center has ways of helping pet owners who cannot afford certain treatments. Shar Strom I know this is late, but maybe can help someone else later. But do not use it for an extended period of time. I hope your relationship with Teddy can grow to be as great as your relationship with Rex was. has become a struggle. Katie M y 12 year old lab was having the same problem. We went to vet and his sugar was low but now has no appetite and is throwing up. I have an 11-year-old Chihuahua and she also vomits white foam from time to time. Other wise we will always be stuck in this horrible world with all this nastiness. Sam I have a Dachshund too- she has a sensitive stomach. nicole Thank you very much it made my dog feel a lot better. He was an unknown dog cross between many breeds. When the product mentions a distributor and you have doubts about the origin of the food call the number printed on the box and make sure the product is made in the USA. Kimberly Kurimski If you think your dog got into bleach you need to take him to the vet asap. Maybe I should bring him to the vet and get an actual diagnoses. Dangers of an Upset Stomach Aside from the fact that our dog is likely to be uncomfortable and even in pain, the upset stomach may be a symptom of an underlying issue. And where you live does change the vet care costs. My one dog is a registered therapy dog for me and my many disabilities which puts me on a tight budge. It has helped my dog more than once in the past. Punishment for crimes of abduction, torture, poisoning, shooting, etc. I never know when she is going to have a hard one but seems like once every 6-7 days it will be to hard. Things can happen in an instance and then you find yourself in a tough place. As the afternoon wore on, he started acted himself again, like a typical lab so we fed him boiled chicken and some white rice that evening. Also noticed that the meds are already expired. Kimberly Kurimski You need to take him to the vet asap. We tried to integrate slowly, but he would not eat the new food. Watch this video to learn the benefits of getting pet insurance and how it can help your dog and their upset tummy (plus your pocketbook) in the future. With diarrhea, they may very quickly (within hours) become dehydrated, as they will lose water that they would retain under normal conditions. Having to pay the whole bill and maybe get reimbursed later defeats the whole reason most of us consider getting pet insurance. Angel If I were your pet I would run as fast and as quick as possible to get away from you. Also try giving your dog baby carrots or green beans for a snack instead of biscuits or other dog treats. by myself. Is is possible the heat could be causing it. You may have to go out of your city or county, to find a reasonable vet. Debbie McLean So what have I taken away from this. She eats a holistic food to help with her seizures and her allergies both but, I am trying to make her as symptom free as possible and maybe the coconut oil would be an added benefit. I might try this myself since my dog now has the stomach virus and fever all the humans in the house had last week. Then 3 week after meds were done, she starting to throw up again. I have to carry him to go to do his business, then pick him back up. Water can be absorbed by the bowel lining. People come from the big cities to have pet care from us because it is much more affordable, just the basics. So I looked up how to help her and, as this page suggested, feed them rice. A lot of western medications can cause more problems. My dad and my mum looked everywhere for the dogs owner, on websites, local stations we even put signs up but no one was in claim of the dog. One of the most likely causes for an upset stomach is a change in diet. If you have other treatments that you have tried successfully to get your dog on its way to recovery, please share them below with a comment. Read our article on changing dog food for more specific details. We know she was neglected and possibly severely abused. They even did surgery to open her throat but still nothing. We have managed to keep out head afloat with bills until I finish college. They took her blood and everything came back negative, they said she looks fine. I was unsure if your dog had a temp or not, so I just read her your post verbatim. Kind now there is the word that is missing. Pet Insurance should be required to give coverage similar to health insurance, not the ever increasing rates of our health insurance but in the types of coverage and ease of acceptance. My American Eskimo has been a grass eater since he was a puppy. Do your best to vaccinate and God Bless you and your furry friends. You need to prove that you qualify as low income. I love them to bits and they are my 3rd set. My Great Pyrenees ate my buttered popcorn last night when I left it on the coffee table for a few moments alone. I love my 2 dogs and would do anything for them but cannot afford vet bills. Be careful not to overdose, as castor oil is potent. Every time I get a dog food for my dog it has been on the Dog Food Recall list. She gets an upset tummy quite often and I would love to hear more about using the coconut oil. Be good to one another and ANY pet you see. I got him to the vet and they said it was to do with yeast. His appetite is fine, he is very active, I walk him up to 4 times a day. He got a pill and individual drops for his ear to loosen it up and it worked like a treat. Now I am separated (kept the dog and ditched the wife because the dog was faithful). An adult male capable of reproduction is a stud. He is aid tyre of a poodle and a chihuahua. I guess money wins over the health of a pet. Michelle Schenker Monica, We advise that you call a vet, especially if you cannot get to one due to distance. Unfortunately, there are way too many people out there, who feel that they have the right to judge others before learning all of the facts. I cried for hours and kept checking out my window every night to see him but he was never there. I have six chihuahuas who sometimes need veterinary care when it is WAY inconvenient financially. Montage showing the coat variation of the dog. Some breeds of dogs are prone to certain genetic ailments such as elbow and hip dysplasia, blindness, deafness, pulmonic stenosis, cleft palate, and trick knees. So when this happened, was I supposed to get rid of both my beloved dog and cat. Took him to vet several times and they have narrowed down to congested heart failure. Also, add canned pumpkin (do not use pie pumpkin) or a sprinkle of bran flakes to her food a few days a week. In the meantime, they get covered with ticks and fleas from the wild. What kinds of additives would make a dog sick like that. My dad trained Rex in sled dogs racing for a while and boy they were an amazing team. We did not irresponsibly adopt pets that we cannot afford, we have fallen on hard times and love our pets dearly. We have not changed her diet, environment or added any other stress that could cause her to react like this. If you go the cottage cheese route be sure to take your dog out more than usual being it may cause diarrhea but with mine she has a small bowl of 2% cold milk and she is usually fine. I have never seen her this crappy before but then again it was shortly after surgery. Now I only buy food and treats made in the USA. I have a Dachshundpit mix and he seems to have that problem with his tummy he is a rescue and is 28 months old now. So if you have nothing nice to say to people, go get a life. I think we animal lovers need to start doing something about these injustices and start a movement to get laws passed to correct them. Sweet potato is also good for dogs that have diarrhea oddly enough. I understand the cost of vet bills can be astronomical, but like one poster said, when a person adopts or buys a pet they must take in the consideration the expenses that apply. It does hurt him sometimes because he yelps when he is touched or moves. Two serious medical conditions particularly affecting dogs are pyometra, affecting unspayed females of all types and ages, and bloat, which affects the larger breeds or deep-chested dogs. The amount of judgement is unbelievable. If you cant afford a vet, just release it into the wild, nature will take care of it. Ellie If anyone knows the answer to this I would also like to know. He was furry and had a thin layer of hair. They were sore but he still let me try and clean them. Understand that in the western way of living people have to find other ways to help the pets. I have 4 little dogs whom I love more than anything and mine do occasionally get sick. Look around and ask where the cheapest vet is. God bless those of you with big hearts and understanding too. Kimberly Kurimski Taking him to the vet is what is best for him. A temperature of 102 or higher is considered to be a fever. How can you help her stomach feel better. Alisande T The vet is not necessarily going to get it right either. On one end its very smooth and perfectly rounded. They were amazing races and won millions of times. Di What the heck is wrong with you people. You know what, you folks that judge others make me sick. I guess I will take him to the vet, hopefully he will eat later or tomorrow. Someone just left their beautiful dog alone in the woods to fend for herself. Afterwards I purchased a small bottle of Pepto-Bismol and a bottle of electrolyte of which you suggested. Damning the entire human race will not change anything, but it will affect you personally in a negative way. Joanna Does anyone know if I can give my dog a Healthy Request soup of rice and chicken to help her tummy. If they have a good warm home and food and a human to love them, then they are much better off. No one has claimed him so I will keep him. Jill I had a dog as a kid that we rescued less than one month old. We did have central air and moved to a rental a few weeks ago that does not have it temporarily while we wait for our new house to be completed in two months. Trying to find out about remedies for my dog who has an upset stomach, not trying to find out about economic issues, rushing children to the doctor, and other life and rescue stories. Even though in a lot of pain, I take her to the park four times a week for exercise. I hold her right over the toilet three to four times a day and she does her business quickly and painlessly for both of us. Also, to avoid medications for upset stomach that are sugar free, as the ingredients can be deadly for a dog. Water makes up around 75% of the body weight of dogs, but even consuming large amounts of water may not be enough to prevent dehydration in your dog. Vet gave me several meds to be used with food but dog refuses even chicken breast. Once they can keep that down I would add rice and skin-free shredded chicken breast. I stopped feeding those sticks and within 4 days he had regained the strength in his back legs. Again, massage the throat as needed for swallowing. My dog cannot have any of those types of treats. kimberly Prieto Thank you for that Hannah. Some people are telling me to feed her white rice with baby food. If I remember right from my reading there were only 4 brands that tested non positive for the poison. If it automatically goes back to lying flat on the neck, your dog is not dehydrated. Her home is no exception with two adorable rescue pups of her own, Bella and Lily. Jackie Consider finding a home that can afford to care for him. Regardless, you need to get some fresh air and take a sedative. Some plain yogurt with oatmeal and a tablespoon or 2 of honey seems to work great for my boys when they have an upset tummy. if you had any kindness in your heart tell people if you cannot afford the care of you pup and you need to have them checked out. It is possible that the manufacturers of these products may change their formulas over time and they may not be as safe as they once were for pups so, as with any treatment, always consult a vet before proceeding with treatment. Best to make sure temp is 101. He was speaking his truth about her being sick and clearly said he was trying to get advice. The topic here I found was really effective to the topic which I was researching for a long time. Davemike I have a yorky Palm mix and I love him dearly. Also be aware that cat food made in China has poisoned many cats in our country. So before any of you sit up here throwing stones or judging maybe you should think what would you do in this situation. Kimberly Kurimski Hi Ileana, our article above goes over everything you just mentioned. I now have a young 10 week old puppy named Teddy who is a mini Cavoodle. Leah I have a two year old mixed breed called Barney. If that chicken was undercooked, the adult may have not shown signs of distress, but a puppy might feel very badly. For more serious situations, your best bet is to limit food intake, keep getting your dog water, and take them to the vet. Had four dogs total, a black lab for 11 years, she got a tumor, had it surgically removed and it cost a fortune. I have a 15 yr old chihuahua, that started this about a year ago, on and off. Do not give them ice cream it will upset their tummy even more. Annie Kat I found this website while looking for info on upset stomachs for my dog. My Care Credit card gives me total peace of mind because I can take my babies to the vet whenever it is necessary, and as long as I pay the balance off within a year, there is no interest. , then the dog needs to see a vet. I sat down and remember watching Home Alone with my brother when Dad got home crying. Out of the goodness of his heart he will go to house. The SPCA has offered to cover the treatment. All of her life even when she was with her mama her stools have been hard. You can check to see if your dog is already dehydrated by assessing the appearance of his or her skin and gums. Rex sounds like the greatest friend you could ask for. Dee Carol, Did the vet test for pancreatitis. Consult your vet if you have any questions during this process of changing dog food or run into any health concerns. If not, then he or she may be dehydrated. pierette York I bought my dog some chewing sticks made in Taiwan. acne home remedies I really appreciate the effort you made to share the knowledge. How dare they hold onto their pets and try to do the best they can instead of killing off the pets is the right thing. We love our dog and we got her because her previous owners dumped her or she ran away. I believe you sir, just said what so many of us pet owners feel. I have to buy it from Amazon since it is not carried by any retails in my area. Majority pull up in a nice cars, nails manicured, hair custom cut and dyed, designer bag, etc. jeannie my. Unfortunately, he may have eaten it too quickly and threw it up (practically whole) minutes after he ate. They are my world I would be devastated without them. We would do anything for our pets if we could afford to, but we cannot afford to anymore. I gave my dog a sweet potato chew and she ate the whole thing in less than thirty minutes. Our website accepts financial compensation to allow us to provide this free service to you, our reader, while eliminating the need to clutter pages with advertisements. This occurs when the body is unable to retain fluids. If the skin stays in the pinched position, your dog is dehydrated. We hope your dog stays on the recovery path. 2 then take symptoms and ask online. To check the skin to see if your dog is dehydrated, squeeze the skin behind the neck as if you were going to pick your dog up as his or her mother would. As dog owners ourselves, we know how difficult it can be to see your pup suffer so we sure do hope your dog is feeling better soon. And by the way, why are you on this site. The judge felt the little girl also lost her pet (the abducted dog) and her family had suffered enough already. Compensation does not influence the rankings of products. Yes we looked into pet insurance, but you can only get coverage if it is not a pre-existing condition. My second stand by is the chicken breast with the rice and light broth. That is all. He threw up bile 3 times and had diarrhea as well. This is a male dog that was left in the forest. But it goes to show it pays to do your homework. Not the pie mix stuff, just plain unsweetened pumpkin. Then I tried to feed him and he has no appetite even for his favorite human food. Oh I get it, you are clearly pessimistic. And his comment about getting angry if someone suggested he put his dog down due to being sick and them not being able to take them to the vet was directed at a fictional party, not Brian. Best of luck and may less yelps come your way. One of the first things to look for is if any of your house plants have been eaten. Now she has vomited and has an empty tummy. Since I have issues with yeast, I read labels and found that most of these soups contains yeast as a flavoring, which can cause some gastro-issues. Pet insurance needs to be regulated just as health insurance is for us. Kathy Ledford Hello, to the answer of the chihuahua that throws up white foam. We did take her to the vet once to get a rabies shot. I stopped feeding those sticks and within 4 days he had regained the strength in his back legs. There are some all natural organic brands of rice you can get at the health food store that contain no arsenic, but you do have to do your research. Carrie Scott I like to use the holistic approach for myself and my dogs. Lou Regarding your comment that vet charges are high in your area, my dear, they are high everywhere. A vet can help him get better and make him feel like new. should be the same punishments as if it were done to a human. Within hours she no longer had diarrhea and her vomiting had ceased. My daughter has boxers who are fun, healthy, never need to visit a vet, but not everyone is so lucky. My dog has diarrhea and an upset stomach right now, and I know how worrying it can be. If your dog has a sick tummy you have a fifty percent chance of ever figuring out what is wrong, you have 100 percent chance of vet over charging you and more then likely giving you no help at all. But I am not in a position to keep paying fees every time I go to the vet. So the neighbor brings over some food to try and hush up the dog. My dog has been acting weird lately, and I think he might have a bad case of an upset stomach. Sara Hi Julie, in a case of vo miting, diarrhea, or gastrointestinal distress, we recommend contacting your vet. She really enjoyed eating out of our hands (your choice). But other than that, acted his normal self the remainder of the night and today as well. The Entero-chronic is to be mixed with 10 oz of water and given via syringe at one time. Also be aware that cat food made in China has poisoned many cats in our country. kathy Is there any vet out there that cares more about pets then their pocket book. If your dog does not improve quickly though, do not continue to try self treating. Something is very wrong with you and the way you think. I know how expensive it can be but it sounds like Ginger needs medical attention. People would not give up their pet for anything. In 2003, the ICZN ruled in its Opinion 2027 that if wild animals and their domesticated derivatives are regarded as one species, then the scientific name of that species is the scientific name of the wild animal. Michelle Schenker Melody, There are often local animal shelters and rescue organizations that can assist financially in times of need, if you qualify. Montage showing the morphological variation of the dog. Also there is a probiotic powder that can help the tummy. I cant, I love her and she loves me too much. The runny stools have stopped so am leaving back meds and will rely on coconut water for now. You must research theirs to many benefits to mention. monica My 7 year old chocolate lab has just started vomiting but nothing is coming up. White blood cells look great, he thought it was Addisons disease and that also came back negative. Sure- you could take your dog to the vet for an upset tummy. They sit and wait for days for their owners to come back, starving all the time. Heaven forbid that doctor gives you a Tums and sends you home. Kay If this is more than 24 hours of vomiting, diarrhea, etc. Pet insurance has only become popular in the past few years. She started the past few days passing gas. Rex was a skinny tall black dog with floppy ears. I then decided to go online to obtain any information that may help and I found your Website. I moved into a small place and got on disability immediately, They gave me no hassle even though I was under fifty. I have a very old beagle who does have tummy issues and was hoping to come across something to make him more comfy until his vet opens in the morning and all I came across was nothing. Aaron I think the vet is the best option. In 1758, the taxonomist Linnaeus published in Systema Naturae a categorization of species which included the Canis species. Kimberly Kurimski Take your dog to the vet to get him the help he needs. Thankfully I have had good family support, who have helped to support me and my two furry babies. Also what about these homeless people who have their pets beside them. She has had this hacking cough for quite some time now. A dog can have a minor ailment like an upset tummy and some people will immediately attack and say take the dog to the vet or give it up. I believe in healthy and natural treatments when possible, I feed all of my kids, even the snake, the best of what we can afford. Clark It is always tough on folks who truly love their pet. michelle I absolutely agree Karl S. Your pet is probably better off being put down than being put outside to suffer who knows what. This person obviously cares about their pet and is wanting to take care of them the best they can. So, essentially I got used to the idea that both fosters might never get adopted and are a permanent part of my pack. I worry about Parvo but she is not lethargic or dehydrated, her stools are a normal color. Carissa Marks Not where I am, or where I spent the last 7 yrs. Maybe because the cheese is light and is a bacteria already but it always eases the issues and it firms up the diarrhea associated with stomach issue. I have a doxie allergic to lots including grass, lots of fun, another doxie with IVDD and my very old beagle from a breeding farm and has issues and is watched by a vet, but the vet has told me what to do in case of, and given me meds for certain things. Bill Breeze I have found over the years that cottage cheese has always helped my dogs with her stomach issues. Chicken and Rice for Dog with Upset Tummy. Pets are reliable and faithful partners who people turn to when times are tough and they have no one else to turn to. We have been loving her, encouraging her, and keeping her hydrated and comfortable. Of course, if the diarrhea does not improve, a vet visit may be necessary. A group of pups from the same gestation period is a litter. If you can afford trips to the doctor then give your four legged furry friend some chance at a great happy life, too. A neighbor took their new puppy to the interstate and threw the dog out the window into the brush along the side of the road. Sending lots of love to your pup. Good Luck.

That is way too much for a little 14 pound dog and he gags and vomits. Sara Pearled barley is OK in s mall quantities if your dog has an upset stomach. Sophie What sort of dog do you have in the picture. Clearly you care for your dog as we all do. I knew they did not have the money to buy one so I said OK. She is my everything and I just want her to not cry when she poops. I use a chicken broth instead of water when making the rice and she usually will eat it. I personally think that if you are already sick, adding some arsenic to your diet in any amount would not be good for ourselves or our four legged friends. Jessica Senechal But what if she ate to much grass. Use my wheelchair to take her on walks in the neighborhood. They cause cancer in dogs way quicker than they do in humans. I say this because I lived if Alaska for 7 years and people up there have to wait to take their pets to a vet because of how far it is. Chan Please do not feed your dog milk bones. I have been lucky so far as she is healthy but am giving up cable and phone and internet shortly so I can save for the time she may need to go to a vet. Paying the mortgage, utility bills, etc. Ashley Im sorry, but if you have a dog you should have pet insurance and you should have the money for vet trips, checkups and bills. AJoiB Having learned the hard way I am thankful I have been able to make pet insurance a priority. I am carrying a mortgage, bills, etc. Barb Hope society never allows you children OR pets. When he started his vomiting he also had very black stools so the vet advised a scope to check his stomach. However, these may not be the best cure for your dog, so make sure you check with your veterinarian before proceeding. I know it is not serious but I wanted to make her feel better today. Reading this makes me scared since now I know she is in pain and looks like crap. Akumasmile I want to say thank you to you because this is my first time going through having to feel bad that my dog had a tummy ache. Please help if you have any ideas of what I should do. The origin of the domestic dog is not clear. worked2death Sam is that something that Dachshunds are known for. Another method is to inject the mixture inside the back of the cheek of the dog. I keep him on the same food for at least a year now, and he enjoys it. They may seem groggy or sleepy, but after a little bit of rest they are back to normal. I feel for the commenters that cant afford a vet. I love it when fools speak and just end up looking like nut jobs. Activist My dog got sick after eating commercial pet treats. We tried going to websites, called the local radio stations, no one was claiming the dog. Not even all the antibiotics prescribed by the vet could stop them from coming back. She has been checked by a Vet and he says she is ok. The laws governing human health insurance should regulate all insurance policies including pet insurance. People you may want to try and do the same from time to time. It is possible for one litter to have multiple sires. She has been acting normal ever since after each episode. Good luck. larry Omg some people really suck. Hope Your Dog is Feeling Better Soon If none of these solutions work or you are very worried about your pet, please go see a veterinarian to help guide you through this difficult time. Sooo if you need help paying for your vet care Google it and there are people who will help. Thank you again and thank you for saving me the cost of not going to the vet emergency hospital. Yes, we love her and would give anything to make her better, but vet bills alone would be expensive. Thank God there are websites like this to give advice to those who need it. Rex was known as one of the fastest dogs in Australia because he had mostly greyhound in him and a lot of other powerful breeds to give him that extra speed. This is the same method used to check humans. You can obtain a dry mixture made for animals by going to your nearest farming store. Is there something I can give her orally like stool softeners (not human kind) doggy kind. No matter what you choose, however, make sure your dog stays well hydrated. Please tell your neighbor that dogs may not have chicken bones because they can splinter and puncture the intestines. There is no social service for small animals like human have. Next, I strongly recommend those administering liquids via syringe or otherwise do so with great caution as to avoid causing the animal to end up with (aspiration) pneumonia. After that episode I noticed that he also gradually started to lose some hair. He seems to be the same with every day behavior, walking playing and drinking water. One took seizures, gave meds for years but he lived till 15, lost him last year, still have Mandy, our other shih tzu. This afternoon he had a solid stool instead of dark liquid. Dehydration in dogs can quickly progress from a passing concern to one of possible organ failure and even death. Top 3 Picks Reviews of All Companies Healthy Paws Review Petplan Review Pets Best Review ASPCA Review Embrace Review Nationwide Review Trupanion Review Cost Comparison Table Coverage Comparison Table Best Cat Insurance. He is my best friend but will never replace my other dogs. She has never done this as she is very well trained. As for the vomiting, boiled chicken and white rice. That way the person will have the best of both worlds plus the fact that we will provide the food and pay for all vet expenses. Kimberly Kurimski So happy to hear this turned into a positive story for both you and the dog. Then they get delirious and panicky, and go looking for humans. She has been my faithful companion and I would do what I can for her. All due respect for the use of the word reverse. I decided to call an emergency vet hospital. I worry he might have tried to eat something off my basement floor. Shame on you all for saying some of the things you say. In May, my husband got into an auto accident that nearly took his life, however it did take his very good paying job. Like with human children, their immune systems are still developing. I would suggest that you start with your local Humane Society or ASPCA and then branch out from there, if needed. At least these people are trying to get some kind of help. Avoid the animal emergency room by seeking preventative care now. Caladium Do you have a humane society or animal shelter in your area that could help you find someone. I have another dog and the two are always together and do the same thing, but only Barney seems to be sick. My dog have been trowing up clear mucus and white foam since C hristmas 2011. I have two boxers and love them with all my heart. This is especially important if they are experiencing diarrhea. Make sacrifices, cut back, work out a payment plan. After that episode I noticed that he also gradually started to lose some hair. There are many different shapes for dog tails: straight, straight up, sickle, curled, or cork-screw. My other 2 huskies passed away last year from old age but I still think about all my dogs. It went through the courts and they were found guilty but the judge deemed it was just a sad set of circumstance and he ruled there was to be no fine and no jail time or community service. We cleaned him up and he was eating really good but was throwing up at times. My vet said not to use it but he lived an extra 5 years and had no stomach issues. I hope she is ok and you can find help in your local area. When they do I also rely on this website to help me help them. They did a full abdominal ultrasound while I was with him and he showed ok. They operated twice and both times they came back. I, like you, have lost about all hope for man kind. Katie Dogs need medical care as much as any family member. People like you TERRY should not be allowed to comment on places like this. A similar but slightly larger syringe can be used to gently bring water into the last 15-20 cm of the large intestine. He is the best thing to ever happen to our family. You cruel people for killing off dogs because you are poor, shame on you. She used to yelp when she would go outside and was constipated. But in truth vet bills are for some of us at this moment in life, out of reach. When I pressed them to tell me what it was they admitted it was chemically identical to human Claritin, and dosage-wise equally measured. A male canine is referred to as a dog, while a female is called a bitch. Oh, here is an idea: How about we just take it to the pound and have the poor animal put to sleep. When she had her stroke that left her partially paralyzed in the back end (she can walk some, but not very far), she began having a difficult time taking care of business. Domestic dogs often display the remnants of countershading, a common natural camouflage pattern. Twenty four hours had passed and she had expelled all she could which then left blood in her stool. After a while, the vet casually mentioned the being a small dog her knee could heel itself so I took the pain relief along with some exercise and she is fine. What Did Your Dog Eat That Upset Their Stomach. Over the course of about a week, slowly start mixing in more and more of the new food into less and less of the current food until the transition is complete. They usually elect to put the dog down after that. His stomach has been making very loud gurgling noises recently, too. You can go to five different vets and you will get five different opinions. Carmarie Hi, my dog is 2 years old and she has been vomiting for the past two days. It seemed like he just wanted to keep making my bill go up. I think he is affected because of temperature. Puppy training pads or newspapers in a box in the garage can be comfortable enough for your doggy to use temporarily. Eventually my dad was in-love with him no matter how massive he was. So out of the goodness of my heart, we kept the dog. Michelle Schenker Thank you Sheri for your thoughtful comment and for visiting our site. I have a white Westie which I love, but he get tummy bugs and itchy. He is 7 and we use coconut oil for his ears and any other spot he gets. If their system is normal then they will have an easier poop session. After filling the syringe with the mixture to be used, lay the dog on its side. If they say that they cannot extend credit, do not take it personally. Once they can keep that down I would add rice and skin free, shredded chicken breast. To keep him hydrated I was advised to give him coconut water which fortunately I have access to on my property. Sam Yeah- I just stick with meat with no salt and high quality dog food for the appropriate age. Rex was respondent to his name and figuring it out was pure coincidence. Sometimes she just stands without moving, just shaking. You can only stretch your income so far and some of us we even deny ourselves of medical care to when we have no choice so no mean remarks please. So what are the ones with sick animals supposed to do. My lab got an ear infection and thanks to sites like this I was able to help him at home. A pet is a responsibility and should be a privilege, not a right. People need to be held accountable when they decide to take the big step and become a pet owner JUST as someone has to care for and feed a child they bring into this world. She was neglected as well as malnourished, and abused. Or maybe adding a few drops of a certain kind of oil to her diet. Like everyone else has commented, things happen life. I have adjusted now and I wish all of you to have a healthy long life with your beloved pets. I do not have relatives to borrow from, I do not have decent clothes, go out, cable, or anything other. We hope he will be with us a few more years since we have had him since he was 4 months. Trish You are an inspiration, and your dog is one very lucky dog to have someone as loyal as you by her side. Our vet Hospital in Susanville, California where I am a vet tech is pretty affordable. He tries to cover up his food with his blanket. At first, I thought I lost my dog but now since I saw this I had my dog back. I am on a very fixed income and have no money for a vet. My father owned so many huskies anyway at that time because he was working in sled dog racing. How he knew she had been neglected and abused, not by him, whoever she got away from. At the time I owned my own business, a new car, my house was almost paid off and I could easily afford a dog. What you did Brian is most definitely a rescue and an adoption, and keep searching for cures for non-serious ailments for dogs online because there is a ton of info and great tips. Sadie Cornelius Jessica, sorry to hear your pup has been eating too much grass. Luis Cebamanos Unless you are a qualified vet, please do not do that again. Both of my dogs do this and while it sounds pretty rough (like a cross between hyperventilating and a loud hairball retch made by a cat), it is harmless. People are CRUEL, but thank God not all have sick hearts like them. I rescued both my dogs when I was comfortable financially. I did in fact continue the electrolyte and will probably for the duration of the day. I think he was basically agreeing with him about the sorry judgmental attacks other people perpetrate against animal owners when they have no grasp of the facts. Compare prices on vets to find the best deal. Personally I was always taught it was a sign of worms. Some people would LIKE TO HELP THEIR PETS QUICKLY without having to read a bunch of nothing. Michelle Schenker Hi Lynn, Sorry your pup is not feeling well. In some countries, especially in North America, dog is used instead due to the vulgar connotation of bitch. One of the most important things is to keep your pup hydrated at all times. Wonder how well they will work for dogs with leptospirosis though. So for tummy issues (I called my vet for you) she suggested white rice, boiled chicken, baby banana food, and pumpkin. I took him to the vet and they tested him for parvovirus, pancreatitis and kidney function. Sandy I have found that canned pumpkin helps with diarrhea, a teaspoon to a tablespoon with each feeding. He says maybe one out of twenty is actually in need of free care. All this ended up being was heart broken people looking for help or stories to tell or people who need to grow the hell up and shut up. deb Heather, yes sweet potatoes can cause diarrhea. Your pet also needs electrolytes and vitamins in order to retain fluids. But lately they seem to be harder and drier. Paul I have a Pomeranian mix puppy we found running around and it was starved and full of fleas. I am really worried about my dog, Ginger. Melody My one year old chihuahua is not eating or drinking water. Bryan Benson Thank you so much for the advice. Thergonz I find dogs take unflavored Pedialyte with fat-free chicken broth a lot easier at a 2 to 1 ratio. And they have always told us it is just his stomach being upset. The dog was badly injured and crawled out into the road and was killed. There are only a few times I have broken an antacid tablet in half for immediate relief. Her system is sensitive and diarrhea will happen. editor Hi, I have a Chiweenie. Apparently you have money falling out of your pockets. Alex Schenker test comment for WP sync malaika It happened near me. Once Rex settled in with all our other dogs Dad had named him. He just turned 2 in January (human years) and we have had him since he was weekned from his mom. But it also takes psychological preparedness and readiness on the human site because eventually, the foster dog might get adopted, and that can also be heart breaking to some. They quickly decide their new dog is too much of an inconvenience so they dispose of the dog. I suggest giving them a call today and explain the situation. He is 12 years old and he may have a tumor because it feels like a small ball inside his tummy. Also my vet said the best dog food for large breed dogs is Costco Kirkland dog food. Within a few days my little poodle was unable to stand on his back legs to reach the treat I was giving him. My dog has slight fever with loss in appetite with very upset stomach, like a shower of watery stool coming out. I use now senior dog food and I give snacks for dogs and sometimes vegetables such as a boiled potato. BeeSee Maw Kay Hi everyone, I got a puppy called Chinese crested last five months ago. ten I brought her to the vet last night and the vet advised me to confine her. They are just as apart of your family as a husband, wife, child. I never expected to lose my mobility and income so quickly. I would really consider his quality of life as well as seek a second opinion. My dog just had an upset stomach so I rushed him to the 24 hour vet on a Sunday. I would feed small amounts of chicken and rice as well as a couple of teaspoons of raw canned pumpkin ( not the pie filling with spices added). In 14th-century England, hound (from Old English: hund ) was the general word for all domestic canines, and dog referred to a subtype of hound, a group including the mastiff. That can work both ways. We have taken him to the vet (always use the same one) and he was actually just there a few weeks ago for his neutering surgery and yearly shots and spent the night. All animals deserve the same respect and right to life as humans. The only problem is readjusting her to do her business outside in the future. People in the highest places fall the furthest and believe me, it was a long fall for me. Also a few pecan chips fell on the floor due to a recipe to a dish I was preparing of which she had eaten as well. Personally, I want a company that ONLY makes dog food and that is their own focus. Our dog immediately started to cough, wheeze, and ran out of the house trying to eat grass and other plants as quickly as he could. Your dog may have something as mild as the flu or as life threatening as the Parvo virus. I only feed him a handful in the morning and handful in the evening. I guess money wins over the health of a pet. Anonymous It has been raining a lot, cold and super windy from this Hurricane Sandy which means my little maltese is refusing to go outside to do her business. I read on a site like this to use a little coconut oil and turmeric in a paste like consistency. I worm him now, even in the winter monthly with worm pills from vet. One must know the situation before making rude and lewd remarks. If you were going to have surgery you would seek a second opinion before being cut open. Keeping them hydrated is a must in our home. Yesterday, we were training him and used the tiny Milk-Bone treats and forgot to weed out the pinkish ones. We gave him Pepto Bismol and this is the first day. I though his vomiting might be due to his being hungry in the morning and have fed him a small snack before going to bed. Michelle Schenker Yes, Teddy, please keep us posted and please send lots of love to your sweet pup. I live in the tropics so am fortunate to have coconuts on my property. Check out The Humane Society of the United States website, they have listed different options for people that are in a financial crises. However, quickly upon her arrival we realized she was already infected with the parvo virus. I come on sites like these for suggestions and information about what worked for other people. If you lift the lip of your dogs, the gums should be coated with a shiny wet film. It is fairly reasonably priced for grain free dry food, too. Then several days ago she produced a fever out of nowhere, next morning she was taken to the vet and again more precise tests were done and all came back negative. I have rescued as many dogs as I can because, not living in the city limits, there is no animal control out here. These acts, if the perpetrators are caught, are dismissed or they are given a warning at the most. VETS DO NOT ALWAYS SOLVE A PROBLEM and cost is criminal. Her stomach is tender when I pet her which I am sure is because she will not go to the bathroom like she should. Regards, Sander Julie My 3 year old Lab-mix, Nicko, was not eating his food, so we switched back to the food he did like. If your dog has a bacterial infection or a virus, they are likely to show other signs along with the upset stomach. They push Hills Science Diet and other crap foods to make more money. Crystal Thank you, Kathy Foust for all the help. Kimberly Kurimski Hi Delia, I suggest you call your vet. Regret A Vet You are are all better off searching the internet for information. On those few occasions that he has vomited I have fed him a little rice with his food and will give him plain chicken when I have it. It works just fine any time, especially Spring, when her allergies begin to cause discomfort. How can we ever evolve if it stays this way. Hemi 73 I have a small dog that weighs about 30 pounds. Good luck. I hear that Iams is terrible to give any dog that has stomach issues. The vet has done blood tests and organ test and even checked for pyometra and parvo virus and still nothing. Other than broth and time, does anyone know what I can do for the poor dear. Go slow and keep an eye on your dog while changing food to make sure he remains healthy. For about a week or two he has been eating grass and vomiting pretty much everyday. We fed him some more chicken, mixed with his dog food and in small increments this time. The next morning she started her spell of diarrhea and vomiting. Through one year of cancer treatments it would have cost me thousands. A group of any three or more adults is a pack. Shame on you to judge others. Sadie Cornelius Laura, we are so sorry to hear your dog is sick. Like most, the economy is destroying lives but is no reason to get rid of an animal or as some fools say let it free. Better safe than sorry and we all want your pup to feel better. If they had diarrhea, just a sprinkle of the dried pumpkin in the canned food would have it cleared up in no time (a day), and it strangely worked for constipation, too. Some natural home remedies include: Banana baby food Rice with boiled chicken. The packet is mixed with water, and then fed to the dog. I found the info that I needed, thank you. Need some advice please on what I should do for him. There are great web sites that show pictures of expressing the bladder, so I will not go into great detail, but as you put pressure on the bladder, and the tail goes up, you know you have hit the right spot. Results of the tests have come back fine and stools went back to normal (we were feeding him rice and scrambled egg as advised by the vet) the sickness stopped for a couple of days but he did bring up yellow bile due to his stomach being empty. Tont Is Pedialyte that you buy in the grocery store for children the same that you can give to your dog. My friend adopted her and she now showers him with love and appreciation. I will now feed him a little more bland food very carefully. I really want to know. He told us that she just has a very sensitive stomach and to keep a log on what she eats. Many vet centers are known for being salespeople who push unnecessary products, procedures, and medicines onto people and upcharge them a ridiculous amount. I had actually Googled and found this page this morning because he was up most of the night strangling like he was trying to cough and would then gag and throw up foam with a little clear fluid. Bill Breeze I have found that when my dog has an upset stomach I give her the low fat cottage cheese and her tummy is fine in 24 hours. My basset hound about a month ago threw up blood and was rushed to the emergency very early in the morning. Because of this, you may need some assistance when feeding your dog. One year later I woke up not feeling right and within three months I was totally disabled with Lupus and severe RH along with a degenerating spine which damaged the nerves in my legs. She goes everyday, eats a good diet, gets exercise as usual and is her normal spoiled self, maybe sleeps more now. Suzanne Garrett We had the same problem with one of our labs. He tolerates the coconut water and has eaten some boiled chicken breast — if hand fed and likewise for sliced ham. Cruelty and inhumane treatment is a criminal violation. And thank you for sharing with us here at Canine Journal. Kimberly Kurimski Hello, have you spoken to your vet about this. Paawon The current temperature in my city is 44-45 degrees. Get them to a vet and make a sacrifice here and there to pay the bill. I want to do the best I can for my dog, and your website helped a lot. It works on humans and rice seems to have arsenic in it. Other than that, he burps sometimes, so I am thinking he might just have a sensitive tummy. Fred This is the first I have heard using pumpkin as a stool regulator for dogs. Hope you are well and can continue to care for pets in such an affordable manner. Linda My 4 Italian greyhounds and shih tzu cross get a teaspoon of pumpkin added to their meal everyday. Although I do give him fresh apple, watermelon and a scrambled egg on occasion. IF vets really cared- they would have PRIVET Room (s) where you could take YOUR Animal IF it need to be PUT to sleep and have a LAST PRIVET MOMENT to CRY like HELL and say GOODBY but NO- you MUST do it INSIDE the CROWDED OFFICE and become a SPECTICAL- VETS are like REAL DOCTORS- SHOW ME THE MONEY- how about THE REWARD. I believe in taking dogs to the vet to get shots much like my kids, however I do not rush my children to the doctor any time one of them gets sick at school or has the flu. They have lots of fiber and thus can cause loose stools. Now I only buy food and treats made in the USA. The lining acts as a filter in this way and works similarly as a reverse osmoses filter unit. Their unconditional love and never ending tail wags make every day brighter. and almost every time they have a iPhone or iPad. We are taking her to the vet tomorrow but we wanted to know how we can help her. Dog-owner I have a little dog 3 years old. Immature males or females (that is, animals that are incapable of reproduction) are pups or puppies. Please read and let me know if you have any further questions. Melissa I work for a vet and make sure anal glands are empty. Sometimes they get an upset stomach from something as simple as a change in brands or flavors of dog food. Not sold he was better, we opted to not feed him again until last night. Reminder: If You Have an Emergency, Call The Vet And just a quick reminder that if your dog is very ill and you cannot figure out how to help him, please call the vet. Buy a package of chicken gizzards and hearts and boil them. Michelle Schenker Ten, I would recommend that you call a local shelter or maybe even a vet that may have financial assistance programs you might qualify for. Anyone that has a dog that is throwing up white foam, it needs to see a vet. By the way, coconut water is wonderful for humans and is also used as a substitute for plasma. When I got her, I was married with the benefit of two incomes. There are other insurances that cover routine care but some that are for illness only. Even though I complained to the well known supermarket where I bought this product, they still carry it on their shelves. Some of us find that we can no longer afford vet care, much less insurance. An ear thermometer is also an option but not as precise. They are both nine years old now and in the past nine years my situation has gone south. I live 2 hours from an emergency vet hospital and they want an arm and a leg to see her after hours. JUST DO IT. Money has been so tight this has been a worry for me for some time so I am giving up my small luxuries before she needs any medical care. Or maybe vaseline on tip of glove and insert into her cavity before she goes out potty. Most people who live in the country have guard dogs, who attack these poor abandoned animals, because that is their job. Reimbursement was 90% and came within days of submitting the insurance form. The point of the grass is to make your dog vomit, to clear out whatever is upsetting his or her stomach. Alisande T Opening him up is taking a huge chance. They did X-rays but could not see anything. If anyone can supply an answer as to what we should do, I would appreciate it. Even though I complained to the well known supermarket where I bought this product, they still carry it on their shelves. If you cannot get fresh, try tinned. I learned quickly that it is not very hard to express your dogs bladder and stools. All they told me is to give him plenty of water and feed him some soft dog food in some water to eat. So, please if your dogs symptoms last more than 24 hours, take him to the vet immediately for treatment. Cassie I did not get the impression that Larry was insulting Brian. I have dealt with two dogs with stomach blockages and just about lost them both — thank god for a good vet. Kim We have gotten up two mornings in a row to find our 12 year old American bulldog has gone diarrhea downstairs through the night. I know Westies are prone to skin diseases, though. This is not normal behavior and could be life threatening. Signs of Dehydration Dogs, and especially young pups are very susceptible to occurrences of dehydration, much the way humans are. Within a few days my little poodle was unable to stand on his back legs to reach the treat I was giving him. I make all my dogs treats with pumpkin, boiled chicken, parsley leaves, fresh mint leaves (for bad breath) My last Siberian Husky could only have a RAW dog food diet, everything else upset his system. It was kind of large and now she has orange diarrhea. I just really want him to be better soon. Lifting the tail and applying slight pressure below the rectum is what makes my little girl began to move her bowels. Before you get all self righteous and start scolding people, it might benefit you to try and put yourself in the shoes of the less fortunate than you. One possible solution to this dilemma is to use Pedialyte. Jamie My dog vomits white foam also from time to time.

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