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21-12-2016 à 20:30:27
Cleavland clinic diet
Given the acuity of a STEMI and the need for urgent intervention, the laboratory tests are usually not available at the time of diagnosis. Chest pain described as a pressure sensation, fullness, or squeezing in the midportion of the thorax. The real value of biomarkers such as troponin lies in the diagnosis and prognosis of NSTEMI ( Fig. In a nontransmural MI, the area of ischemic necrosis is limited to the endocardium or to the endocardium and myocardium. Other cardiac valvular pathologies and low cardiac output states associated with a decreased mean aortic pressure, which is the prime component of coronary perfusion pressure, can also precipitate MI. Type 2 is secondary to ischemia from a supply-and-demand mismatch. Myocardial infarction can be subcategorized on the basis of anatomic, morphologic, and diagnostic clinical information. It is the endocardial and subendocardial zones of the myocardial wall segment that are the least perfused regions of the heart and the most vulnerable to conditions of ischemia. This gender difference in MI, however, narrows with increasing age. Diabetes increases the risk of MI because it increases the rate of atherosclerotic progression and adversely affects the lipid profile. STEMI is usually the result of complete coronary occlusion after plaque rupture. Wellness tips, healthy gourmet recipes, essential health news and free downloadable health guides. Supplemental oxygen increases the driving gradient for oxygen uptake. This was downgraded to a IIa recommendation in the latest STEMI guidelines. Aspirin alone has one of the greatest impacts on the reduction of MI mortality. However, there are no published studies demonstrating that oxygen therapy reduces the mortality or morbidity of an MI. 2. As noted earlier, the former is referred to as ST elevation MI ( Fig. Access a wide variety of health and wellness tools from Cleveland Clinic. Nitric oxide relaxes vascular smooth muscle and dilates the blood vessel lumen. 8 The American Lung Association maintains a website with updates on the public health initiative to reduce tobacco use and is a resource for smoking-cessation strategies for patients and health care providers. An MI can occur at any time of the day, but most appear to be clustered around the early hours of the morning or are associated with demanding physical activity, or both. Conditions associated with increased myocardial metabolic demand include extremes of physical exertion, severe hypertension (including forms of hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy), and severe aortic valve stenosis. The recommended duration of supplemental oxygen administration in a MI is 2 to 6 hours, longer if congestive heart failure occurs or arterial oxygen saturation is less than 90%. The two primary characteristics of the clinically symptomatic atherosclerotic plaque are a fibromuscular cap and an underlying lipid-rich core. Acute MI can have unique manifestations in individual patients. Pain from MI is often intense and requires prompt and adequate analgesia. Management practice guidelines often distinguish between STEMI and non-STEMI, as do many of the studies on which recommendations are based. Get details on symptoms, causes and treatment options plus related articles, videos and more. A transmural MI is characterized by ischemic necrosis of the full thickness of the affected muscle segment(s), extending from the endocardium through the myocardium to the epicardium. 1 ) and the latter as non-ST elevation MI ( Fig. Within minutes, aspirin prevents additional platelet activation and interferes with platelet adhesion and cohesion. This represents a significant improvement in survival and is related to improvements in emergency medical response and treatment strategies. The control of hypertension with appropriate medication has been shown to reduce the risk of MI significantly. 4, 9 The primary benefit of nitrates is derived from its vasodilator effect. Vasodilatation of the coronary arteries improves blood flow through the partially obstructed vessels as well as through collateral vessels. NSTEMI is usually associated with greater plaque burden without complete occlusion. This risk is associated with systolic and diastolic hypertension. The death of myocardial cells first occurs in the area of myocardium most distal to the arterial blood supply: the endocardium. If such an occlusion persists for more than 20 minutes, irreversible myocardial cell damage and cell death will occur. Despite the diversity of manifesting symptoms of MI, there are some characteristic symptoms. Six primary risk factors have been identified with the development of atherosclerotic coronary artery disease and MI: hyperlipidemia, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, tobacco use, male gender, and family history of atherosclerotic arterial disease. Disruption of the endothelial surface can cause the formation of thrombus via platelet-mediated activation of the coagulation cascade. Myocardial infarction was then classified by the clinical scenario into various subtypes. Ischemia at this critical threshold level for an extended period results in irreversible myocardial cell damage or death. The incidence of atherosclerotic vascular disease and MI is higher in men than women in all age groups. The first diagnostic test is electrocardiography (ECG), which may demonstrate that a MI is in progress or has already occurred. The echocardiogram may be helpful in identifying which portion of the heart is affected by an MI and which of the coronary arteries is most likely to be occluded. Get answers to questions on what happens before, during and after your next test or assessment. A small study in a group of volunteers showed that smoking acutely increases platelet thrombus formation. Generally, the more proximal the coronary occlusion, the more extensive the amount of myocardium that will be at risk of necrosis. g. When administered sublingually or intravenously, nitroglycerin has a rapid onset of action. Because morphine can mask ongoing ischemic symptoms, it should be reserved for patients being sent for coronary angiography. 1. 4 Low BP, headache, and tachyphylaxis limit the use of nitroglycerin. Aspirin irreversibly interferes with function of cyclooxygenase and inhibits the formation of thromboxane A2. An asymptomatic MI is not necessarily less severe than a symptomatic event, but patients who experience asymptomatic MIs are more likely to be diabetic. However, in the future, as demographics shift and the mean age of the population increases, a larger percentage of patients presenting with MI will be older than 65 years. The degree of symptoms ranges from none at all to sudden cardiac death. The use of aspirin has been shown to reduce mortality from MI. These enzymes and proteins can be detected by a blood sample analysis. The development of atherosclerotic plaque occurs over a period of years to decades. Vasodilatation reduces cardiac preload and afterload and decreases the myocardial oxygen requirements needed for circulation at a fixed flow rate. The distinction between STEMI and NSTEMI also does not distinguish a transmural from a nontransmural MI. However, the presence or absence of Q waves does not distinguish a transmural from a nontransmural MI as determined by pathology. Myocardial infarction occurs when myocardial ischemia, a diminished blood supply to the heart, exceeds a critical threshold and overwhelms myocardial cellular repair mechanisms designed to maintain normal operating function and homeostasis. The cause of familial coronary events is multifactorial and includes other elements, such as genetic components and acquired general health practices (e. g. If blood flow can be restored to at-risk myocardium, more heart muscle can be saved from irreversible damage or death. This appears to target areas of high shear forces, such as stenotic vessels, independent of aspirin use. Associated epigastric discomfort with or without nausea and vomiting. 3.

Plaque erosion can occur because of the actions of matrix metalloproteases and the release of other collagenases and proteases in the plaque, which result in thinning of the overlying fibromuscular cap. Type 4a is an MI associated with percutaneous coronary intervention, and 4b is associated with in-stent thrombosis. 3 ). Elevated levels of total cholesterol, LDL, or triglycerides are associated with an increased risk of coronary atherosclerosis and MI. Nitrates are metabolized to nitric oxide in the vascular endothelium. , creatine kinase, troponin I and T, myoglobin) associated with specialized cellular functions. Acute myocardial infarction (MI) remains a leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Its beneficial effect is observed early in therapy and persists for years with continued use. Because MI impairs the circulatory function of the heart, oxygen extraction by the heart and by other tissues may be diminished. In some cases, elevated pulmonary capillary pressure and pulmonary edema can decrease oxygen uptake as a result of impaired pulmonary alveolar-capillary diffusion. A consensus statement was published to give a universal definition of the term myocardial infarction. The area of myocardial cell death then spreads laterally to areas of watershed or collateral perfusion. Myocardial infarction is the leading cause of death in the United States and in most industrialized nations throughout the world. A straightforward diagnosis of MI can usually be made in patients who have a number of atherosclerotic risk factors along with the presence of symptoms consistent with a lack of blood flow to the heart. 2 ). Thus, good history taking and an ECG are used to initiate therapy in the appropriate situations. These tests include electrocardiography, blood testing, and echocardiography. Approximately 50% of all MIs in the United States occur in people younger than 65 years. Type 5 is an MI associated with coronary artery bypass surgery. Type 3 is an MI resulting in sudden cardiac death. , plaque rupture, thrombotic occlusion). Most myocardial infarctions are caused by a disruption in the vascular endothelium associated with an unstable atherosclerotic plaque that stimulates the formation of an intracoronary thrombus, which results in coronary artery blood flow occlusion. An older subclassification of MI, based on clinical diagnostic criteria, is determined by the presence or absence of Q waves on an electrocardiogram (ECG). Living myocardial cells contain enzymes and proteins (e. Generally, after a 6- to 8-hour period of coronary occlusion, most of the distal myocardium has died. Certain components of tobacco and tobacco combustion gases are known to damage blood vessel walls. In addition to ST-segment elevation, 81% of electrocardiograms during STEMI demonstrate reciprocal ST-segment depression as well. Type 1 is a spontaneous MI related to ischemia from a primary coronary event (e. The severity of an MI depends on three factors: the level of the occlusion in the coronary artery, the length of time of the occlusion, and the presence or absence of collateral circulation. These values vary depending on the assay used in each laboratory. Intravenous nitrates should be administered to patients with MI and congestive heart failure, persistent ischemia, hypertension, or large anterior wall MI. Nitrate tolerance can be overcome by increasing the dose or by providing a daily nitrate-free interval of 8 to 12 hours. If a thrombus is large enough to occlude coronary blood flow, an MI can result. The presence of any risk factor is associated with doubling the relative risk of developing atherosclerotic coronary artery disease. Unfortunately, the presence of wall motion abnormalities on the echocardiogram may be the result of an acute MI or previous (old) MI or other myopathic processes, limiting its overall diagnostic utility. There is little evidence that nitroglycerin provides substantive benefit as long-term post-MI therapy, except when severe pump dysfunction or residual ischemia is present. Approximately 50% of patients have some warning symptoms (angina pectoris or an anginal equivalent) before the infarct. The larger the myocardial infarction, the greater the chance of death because of a mechanical complication or pump failure. The longer the period of vessel occlusion, the greater the chances of irreversible myocardial damage distal to the occlusion. smoking, high-fat diet). Get details on specific types, benefits, side effects and use cases. The goals of therapy in acute MI are the expedient restoration of normal coronary blood flow and the maximum salvage of functional myocardium. The extent of myocardial cell death defines the magnitude of the MI. Identifying a patient who is currently experiencing an MI can be straightforward, difficult, or somewhere in between. High blood pressure (BP) has consistently been associated with an increased risk of MI. Clinical trial data have supported the initial use of nitroglycerin for up to 48 hours in MI. A more common clinical diagnostic classification scheme is also based on electrocardiographic findings as a means of distinguishing between two types of MI, one that is marked by ST elevation (STEMI) and one that is not (NSTEMI). This effect benefits all patients with acute coronary syndromes, including those with amyocardial infarction. The action of proteases, in addition to hemodynamic forces applied to the arterial segment, can lead to a disruption of the endothelium and fissuring or rupture of the fibromuscular cap. Oxygen should be administered to patients with symptoms or signs of pulmonary edema or with pulse oximetry less than 90% saturation. Arterial blood that is at its maximum oxygen-carrying capacity can potentially deliver oxygen to myocardium in jeopardy during an MI via collateral coronary circulation. g. Patients who suspect that they are having an MI usually present to an emergency department. The authors stated that MI should be used when there is evidence of myocardial necrosis in a clinical setting consistent with MI. 4 The rationale for using oxygen is the assurance that erythrocytes will be saturated to maximum carrying capacity. The loss of structural stability of a plaque often occurs at the juncture of the fibromuscular cap and the vessel wall, a site otherwise known as the shoulder region. These goals can be met by a number of medical interventions and adjunctive therapies. As the duration of the occlusion increases, the area of myocardial cell death enlarges, extending from the endocardium to the myocardium and ultimately to the epicardium. Nitrates can reverse the vasoconstriction associated with thrombosis and coronary occlusion. This difference contributes to the increased early mortality seen in STEMI and the eventual equalization of mortality between STEMI and NSTEMI after 1 year. This arises most often from a plaque that previously caused less than 50% occlusion of the lumen. Critical myocardial ischemia can occur as a result of increased myocardial metabolic demand, decreased delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the myocardium via the coronary circulation, or both. Patients with diabetes have a substantially greater risk of atherosclerotic vascular disease in the heart as well as in other vascular beds. Information on surgical options, medications, therapy, and what patients experience during and after treatment. An echocardiogram may be performed to compare areas of the left ventricle that are contracting normally with those that are not. 1. From an anatomic or morphologic standpoint, the two types of MI are transmural and nontransmural. Practice guidelines on MI management consider patients whose ECG does or does not show ST-segment elevation separately. 4. Access thousands of health articles, videos and tools to help manage your health. A nontransmural MI is defined as an area of ischemic necrosis that does not extend through the full thickness of myocardial wall segment(s). Nitrates must be avoided in patients who have taken a phosphodiesterase inhibitor within the previous 24 hours.

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