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Stretch mark stomach after weight loss - stretch mark stomach after weight loss

01-02-2017 à 08:43:30
Stretch mark stomach after weight loss
I do understand that tight muscles can be caused by muscle inbalance, certain muscles working harder to support a weaker muscles. Some of the newer research on these conditions may have you broaden your viewpoints and recommendations, or at the least, add new dimensions to your thinking. Is this kind of pain consistent with trigger points here. To anyone critical, just give it a go for a month before ridiculing it. But the only correlation I see is between increased stretching and increased groin problems, not less. That is not helpful or healing for injured muscles. Other studies show adverse effects on lower limb power, sprinting ability, and vertical jump. The static stretching for these individuals should still be handled very carefully, ideally contracting the antagonist muscle to prevent overstretching. That has done nothing for me except to reinjure myself. The HRM immediately told me that I had been simply going too fast during the previous runs, putting too much workload on the body in the anaerobic (or mixed) zone. These abnormal changes induced in a stretched muscle can last for an hour or longer, and some clinicians have demonstrated that stretching can cause prolonged muscle problems that can last days and weeks. Stretching is perhaps one of the most controversial fitness subjects of present day. I am in very good health and stay pretty fit all year long. As I said, I would really appreciate any help. Check out the trigger point post for more on this. I am 26 years old and very active but recently I got out of the shower and when went down to dry my ankle on up but felt my hamstring cramp. The weakening is a neurological-type weakness not necessarily a strength-type. And it definitely will not decrease injury rates. Glad to see a profesional reinforce my own experience. I am really curious to know the best way to take care of my body and be the healthiest and best player i can be. Once the injury is corrected then you can do exercises. Now stretching is bad for you like most things in life. Check out the video as well as the Sock Doc Training Principles and other articles on overtraining. Then again they also coached me into a very long stride which caused all sorts of issues. I stopped stretching altogether except some occasional dynamic movements that mimic my kicks. Joint instability and muscular weakness often results with many of these types of stretches. You rebuild during rest, but not if you skewed the equation too much by excessive working out. The tight hamstrings seem limit flexibility and I believe this causes knee pain. I never go barefoot because of pain and what my doc and therapist told me. 5 weeks but am frightened to swim although I am still cycling and running. If your right leg can be stretched out to the side 90 degrees and your left can only go 80 degrees then that indicates a problem. I would like to become more flexible so increase performance and be less at risk for injury. If that is the case, then maybe all Shaolin monks should just stop all of their daily stretching regimens altogether lol. Would you please elaborate on this a little. However, I just started wearing Kinvara 2 in the past couple weeks and now I have a sharp pain in my foot. I have just had a 4 week lay off of running, only to start stretching and the pain is back in my calf. A study done at the Department of Kinesiology at the University of Texas compared changes in muscles that were stretched and not stretched in the same person. What do you think about the trend toward dynamic stretching as a warmup. Also can I lift weights or should I just eliminate everything that I am doing and just rest my legs. On Thursday I ran about 80 mins and towards the end of the run I got not exactly a pain, but discomfort on the sole of my foot. I think for most people it connotes yoga-type movements and dynamic stretching as well as static stretching. I wanted to write again as I have another question for you. How do I know when I can start doing exercises on my leg again. The vertebral subluxation complex is nothing more than a theory at this point, and certain types of stretching at the right time is certainly indicated. I use the stick and also use trigger point therapy on them. i know that static cold stretching is bad for you, and it is best to stretch after warming up with an aerobic workout, i sometimes warm up my muscles using more yoga type excercises and not just forcing myself into a stretch. Just look at how well muscled a gorilla or lion is. There are always going to be exceptions, though rare. You can easily find youtube vids of these stunts which often requires extraordinary power, endurance and will-power. Yoga is intended to relax the entire body with certain poses and deep breathing resulting in inner harmony and focus on ones self, not to stress your body out by stretching it in shapes you are not ready or able to do. This is followed by relaxing the muscle (still holding the same position). More thought than that is more intellectual energy than most want to expend. Not a specific muscle but just my arms up and legs down. The doctor said I have probably torn the muscle and has told me to start a stretching routine as soon as the pain reduces but I wondered what your approach would be to this. I am looking at a full work week on my feet and trying to imagine how to get through it without stretching and ibuprofen. I also changed out of my Asics and started to run in my other pair of running shoes which are flatter, with less support. Higher levels of thymosins are linked to lower injury rates in these animals, hence making them a better investment for serious investors. And two decades ago, before I had the chronic issues, I played football. Yesterday I ran again for about 60 mins and the feeling started to return near the end. Agree with all in this article, it drives me nuts to watch everyone at the gym stretch cold. I do parkour and freerunning as a hobby. I am working on the trigger points- I have a lot of trigger points in my gastroc muscle and around my hip. About a year ago, I began switching my running style to midsole striking (although I continued to wear support running shoes) and ran pain free for about 6 months. Thank you so much for all the wonderful info on your site. All the food preparation is done for you. Yes and this is the case I make in the article and see in the dancers that I treat. The doctor said it could be a herniated disc or a muscle strain so she gave me muscle relaxers and 800 mg ibuprofen. Their flexibility (not stretching) is part of their overall enhanced physiology. I now can feel no pain in my calf unless I poke it in the area where the trigger point was. When I forget to stretch and go for a walk or swim, I always feel worse. This is Westernized yoga and not the way it was intended to be. I would assume that I should perhaps be increasing blood flow to the muscles I plan on using, for example for a squatting workout have a nice anaerobic workout perhaps on the bike followed by a few sets of squats with no or little weight. I see a lot of them with the soccer players I treat too. When there is an injury, the fibers are already elongated and pulled away from another or in some other configuration than what they should be in order to properly heal. Dancers and gymnasts are perhaps one exception to anti-stretching. They found that stretching one muscle can also impair another muscle that was not stretched, possibly through a central nervous system inhibitory mechanism. What I have noticed is that before my joints felt weird, and weak. Often when this happens the person feels more balanced and limber. It literally feels like 20 guys beat me up, especially around my rib cage and muscles. The meals are calorie controlled, nutritionally balanced, interesting, tasty and varied. Moving naturally via natural range on motion is perfectly fine, and encouraged. Well, though stretching will never correct a misalignment more than temporarily. I wish more people would study the basic muscle-controlling reflexes, the myotatic, withdrawal, reciprocal inhibition and crossed extensor are a good place to start. I should be training about 12 hours per week, but my back pain has limited my training to about 5 hours per week. Hopefully you went to a transitional shoe such as a Nike Free or a NB Min Road. Women who have estrogen dominance, and men with low testosterone levels may experience a tight lower back and hip region, giving them the inclination to want to stretch those areas out. Are you familiar with Triggerpoint Performance Therapy and their products. Otherwise other approaches that dialogue with the brain such as Somatics are also worth a try. An active aerobic warm-up for at least 10 minutes is essential. I am having alot of pain in my legs and feet now. We had an excellent trainer who made sure to warm us up and cool us down, always including stretching. But you should not always be cramping and stretching. I gradually worked up to about one hour of continuous jog but still was coming back home sore and exhausted. Thank you. A foam roller might help them reach a spot they could not otherwise get to or get the depth they need to with their hands. Or many of those with inflammatory conditions (which you attribute to food allergy), may in fact have more to do with genetics than diets. The B12 blood test, in my opinion and a lot of experience, are useless. Sure you can stay tuned for the next article, but it sounds like the SockDoc philosophy is not for you. Priming the thought process of the reader with that title leaves little room for the discernment expressed several paragraphs and replies down. Well, muscle imbalances occur for many reasons but ultimately there is some stress to the nervous system, either systemically, (throughout the entire body), or locally. Usually after laying down and resting for a long time. Last time I recovered from this problem (trigger points in soleus which seemd to be tendonitis) I used to get a numb foot when running and shortly after. Many continue to make both these claims, yet neither has ever been proven, and many still buy the shoes and stretch with them on. So what causes muscle imbalances and the feeling of tight muscles and the need to stretch. You can visit the official Nutrisystem website to sign up right now simply by clicking your mouse on the big promotional image for Nutrisystem above and to the left of this paragraph if you want to get started right now. If you could point to those studies where static stretching has been shown to increase blood flow, flexibility, and decrease recovery I would like to check them out. Thymosins are responsible for healing due to their effects on endothelial cell differentiation, angiogenesis, keratinocyte migration, and collagen deposition. I have patients who are also nurses and they were Vivobarefoot or some other low to zero-drop shoes. Aerobic activity is the best warm-up as it increases flexibility in a safe way while improving oxygen utilization, lung capacity, and fat burning. His initial comment was that I must stretch a lot as I was pretty flexible for someone who can remain in a bent over aero position on a bike for five or more hours. By short I mean under 5 seconds and no pain. I think what has been key for me (very rarely am I ever sore after runs) is a good warm up and cool down. My tendon is a little lumpy but there is no pain. Since then, I am walking pain-free without Orthotics or exercising. Thymosin beta 4 in particular is responsible for relaxing the muscles, which is likely the reason why we do not see animals stretching. Flexibility is a Reflection of Health, Not Stretching. After massage in this area it seems to relieve the symptoms for a couple of hours. This fully detailed and in-depth review explains everything you need to know about this popular home diet meal delivery program, providing more information and genuine customer reviews than any other that you will find anywhere online. Trying to fix it all yourself may be a little tricky. Myostatin is a secreted TGF beta protein that acts primarily on skeletal muscle by binding to the activin type II receptor. This article first appeared on Sock Doc on April 10, 2011. This would mean if a dancer was working on a bar and stretching his or her hamstrings, he or she would contract the quadriceps muscles, hold for up to thirty seconds, and repeat for at least three times. I have not noticed ANY loss of flexibility. I move a lot though in full range of motion. I am hoping to take part in my first tri in 2. But more is not necessarily better and the healthier you are the more naturally flexible you will be. Last year I only recovered when I stopped stretching my calves completely. My range of motion increased and flexibility improved performance. So you might feel your hamstring to be tight and the need to stretch it, but typically the weakness is in the antagonist muscle, in this case the quadriceps. The diet is structured to keep you on track with full support if you need it. Anyway, I wanted to ask another bit of advice. I want to get back to running ASAP so what do you suggest I do. If you want to stretch because it relaxes you then do that after a good aerobic workout. Is there anything else I should be doing. My best advice for someone with your concerns is to seek guidance from a practitioner experienced in working with the nervous system, not just muscles. Now I subscribe to my no stretching, no injuries program. For example, if you injure your hamstring this may inhibit the function of that muscle so it hurts. I have emailed zhealth and will probably try their products at home. Now, it seems that the muscles are bearing the load instead of the joints themselves. It hurts when I run and if I stand flat footed but not if I stand on my toes. Read on to understand my madness and if stretching is good or bad and please see my four-part 2016 series on stretching for the most detailed and updated stretching information. I know that if I stretch too much that it will take a toll on my body but in the end, I would rather be a little uncomfortable than not be able to do the thing that I love. I did visit the zhealth site and it does make sense that my nervous system is in overdrive. Contortionists have unusual abilities and the average person who tried to stretch their way into such shapes would only become injured. Stretching is not exercise and not a warm-up before a run or any activity. The stretching feels good and so do the workouts. However, when I do disciplined stretching after a short warmup, I actually feel better. This seems to line right up with what the SOC-DOC is saying. Thank you, Sir, for your kind and informative reply. The reason is this: Red Cells (RBCs) mature in your bone marrow and get smaller as they develop. Ironically, it was this event that got me so interested in why animals heal so much faster than we do. Thanks. I read this and i come from a heavy gymnastics background as well as influences from various martial arts. Thank you again for all good info throughout this site, which I digest with real pleasure. I have psoriatic arthritis and crohns, which flare up more days than not. Finally, I did the opposite of the instructions and foam rolled my calf and it was better quickly. I am seeing a chiro who is doing trigger point once a week but also recommending stretches (which I ignore). Try working out the psoas muscles deep in the abdomen as I show here. For example, visit and look for the most highly certificated practitioner (trainer) in your area. As a dancer, I find it very beneficial to stretch when injured. After reading alot of articles and delving deep it must be sciatic because my lower back suffered from tightness I felt when I got out of the shower. But is it true that stretching does weakens the muscles. I want to be able to do this but how when. I also am working on some dietary changes after having learned a few things on your site, which may be part of the reason I keep getting injured. I have read some of the article above and I am still reluctant to believe that stretching is actually bad for the muscle. I feel better but now I can feel tightness in my left hamstring, calve, and glute. I am 22 years old, more active than average, but very inflexible. Do I need to go barefoot at home for a while longer before I try all day in a zero drop shoe at work. You bring up a valid reason where one can benefit from stretching, and one I tried to touch upon in the article. I also note this as a response to another comment if you scroll down. People can read this and find out for themselves how Nutrisystem diets work and also what customers can expect to gain when they sign up with Nutrisystem to eat great food and lose weight, improve their health and get a great figure. There are stretches and then, there are stretches. Also, I recently started wearing orthotics to combat foot pain related to walking or standing for long periods of time (very flat footed). Hormonal imbalances can also make your nervous system react in such a way that you have muscular tightness and feel the need to stretch. I thought stretching and doing yoga were helping me. I was leaning over my bike, using the wrench in my right hand and bracing the left pedal with my left hand (probably stupid I know) so yes, I think I was pushing down with left arm and pulling up with right. And in my fights with opponents, I really do not see any indication that my kicks are getting weaker over the years of stretching. Of course I would never give that advice. The literature list alone is 7 printed pages:). But feel free to share any knowledge on your end. I figure this to maybe just a symptom of growth. Essentially I was not making myself as long as I should and streamlining through the water. My calf muscles are so tight and knotted. I have a 10 mile race in about 6 weeks and a half marathon on Thanksgiving. Animals have lower levels of myostatin than humans do and hence they gain muscle easier than humans do. Chris, clearly you feel the need to be heard, which is why I approved your comment(s).

Especially people that are serious about jump starting their body into weight reduction mode and shrinking it down to a more agreeable size. Lean 13 gives you a real great head-start by making a big promise you simply cannot ignore. Genetics do play a huge role in many diseases, but also a lot of these genetics can be influenced and manipulated (for better or worse) to various degrees via diet and lifestyle modifications. A better test is a urine test called a FIGLU Test, which not many run. I have gone to physical therapy and the next step is orthotics according to my doc. Using trigger point therapy can help those fibers line back up and heal properly. That is best left for you to decide as well as your doc or therapist. Last year I was told I had aggravated my achilles tendon (though I also had pain in my calf it was overlooked) but as soon as I feel better I am compelled to stretch my calf as told by every athlete and doctor I meet and it only makes my situation worse. It seems that the best runners, many of whom are professional runners, who know a large amount about running still continue to stretch before they run. I have had two interesting experiences over the past couple years with coaches I hired for a bit to help me with my swimming and cycling techniques. Does it mean that if I had never stretched in the past, beginning from when I very first started martial arts, I would actually have tons more strength within my punches and kicks etc right now. Greyhounds and thoroughbred horses have been studied for this gene since it supposedly is a predictor of faster animals. What about the fact that animals have much higher circulating levels of thymosins and much lower myostatin expression. I practice martial arts and have very tight hamstrings. If a dog gets cut, they heal much faster than humans do due the fact that they have such high levels of thymosin beta 4. Quite informative, my favorite part is was the quote about seeing a lion stretch before it pounces. As for myostatin, we have this gene that actually inhibits muscle growth. Still, thanks for the article, and the follow-up humor. I have been recommending no stretching to people for weeks now but all I get is weird looks. Just wondering though, you mention dynamic warmup- what should be done after a work out. What about those crazy Shaolin monks who can bend their arms or legs around like a contortionist out of their intense stretching regimens, and can yet do one index-finger pushups, or stuff like one-finger handstands. 1. How is inflexibility a problem in your sport. I figure this to maybe just a symptom of growth. I still have a bit of a dull ache in the sole of my forefoot at the end of the long run though and it lasts about a day. Try looking for another trigger point in that shoulder area not on the pec where you injured it. But mind you, that gene can also act on muscle healing. A lot of bodybuilders lift heavy weights and do many sets targeting individual muscle groups and it seems. Not a specific muscle but just my arms up and legs down. Maybe the 80 min run was too much in the new shoes. Anyway, my advice would be to try now to get out of those FitFlops and truly strengthen your feet. Saying that stretching reduces injuries or improves endurance performance, (the two main reasons given for stretching), is like saying certain shoes will make you run or jump faster. because if im not flexible and i go for some moves i will most certainly tear something by not stretching beforehand, or not be able to even do that movement at all. The successful Turbo 10 program has now been replaced with an even more attractive go-getting campaign called. Similar to the butt-kicks and high knees you mentioned, a more nature and unstatic stretch. I called the vet, and he said to wrap it up and bring her in first thing in the morning. This is because flexibility is a reflection of health and fitness, not stretching. Because comparing the amount of concrete blocks I can break with my leg when I first started stretching and now, not only is the kicking power of my legs not affected at all, but I can actually break a lot more blocks now. The swim coach noticed I was not extending my arm out far enough in the water and therefore not grabbing as much water as I could be. I could really walk before work started but as I got moving it started to feel better and after the week I went to the doctor. You can also email the folks at zhealth with any questions. If the goal is to educate, then this distinction should be made clear from the get-go, in the title, especially since the comment section has made you aware that a lot of stuff is only half-read at best. In my limited understanding, thymosins, and specifically thymosin beta 4, are higher in other mammals than humans. I have just read yur article and also agree with you. Ideally if there is an exercise or something else which could help in prevention I would prefer that to continuing stretching. Here is what makes this diet so easy, time saving and successful. Should I just use The Stick and Trigger Point Therapy to help. You are still going to find advertisements for Nutrisystem everywhere you look. Stretching has been a part of my routine. Unfortunately, there is not a certified trainer in my area. He commented on how I was too tight and needed to stretch my arms out more to get the length I was looking for. Humans by comparison need alot of stimulus to induce muscle growth. That certainly increased our flexibility, something I also noticed while throwing javelin for track and field. For many of these individuals, stretching is necessary to some degree as their activities require a larger range of motion than what is needed in order to perform their activities. More important is the balance and symmetry between muscles, including side to side. Of course as you know from reading the article I am against this type of static stretching, especially during an injury. Stretching does not help injuries because it elongates the muscle fibers. Yeah you just mention the disadvantages in stretching, really well supported, but not a single advantage, and of course animals stretch, obviously not just before hunting or fleeing lol. Wanting to stretch because it is relaxing to you may be okay, if done properly, (as described below). If stretching is done in a controlled manner (not forcing or straining muscles and tendons) then it can be fine. So I work at a warehouse where there is constant moving and heavy lifting and I was only able to work for a week taking ibuprofen and Tylenol. When is a good time to go to a zero drop shoe for work and exercise. Prior to the incident, I had never really stretched at all in my life, and after the injury I realized all of the muscles in my body are super tight,and I have many muscle imbalances, causing my pelvis to be twisted. Greater than 90 could indicate B12 of folic acid deficiency, most often. Yet despite these findings, track sprinters, high jumpers, and other athletes that rely on jumping power including basketball players still feel the need to stretch. I usually do stretch and it helps with the pain. Or do you enjoy stretching and want to do it. This is very individualized, but you need to start walking barefoot as much as you can and start weaning off the orthotics. Having similar problems (though no two people are alike) may I suggest that you take it really easy when trying to go barefoot. My cycling coach was also surprised when he was checking my flexibility to adjust my bike position. The pain from the muscle I thought I pulled shot all the way up my lower back. Some people are more naturally flexible than others. I read your article on not stretching and how health is the cure for inflammation. Email me a pix of where you have the pain. I play lots of volleyball and feel it every now and then playing or going down stairs. If you have pain after 50 minutes, then maybe keep the runs to. However, I have learned on your site that is not good for my muscles. This is true to some extent but more does not necessarily mean better. I want to start the aerobic exercise soon but not sure how much I should do barefoot or with minimalist shoe this soon. Yoga can be very beneficial if performed in a controlled fashion, within your means, and within the yoga philosophy. I have pulled my hamstring before and I just slowly go back into the splits, not in the same day but in a month or so, if not longer. There is a systemic issue where an individual muscle, or group or muscles, feels very tight. This is common in vegetarians who often lack B12 which is found in eggs and animal products. I too have been training parkour recently, and just got back from a 5-day MovNat retreat. Sorry, to ramble on but I am amazed at the possibility of actually finding a helpful solution to my problem. I would use deep pressure for a cramp, though sometimes stretching it helps relieve it. I like to stay away from static stretching as much as possible doing dynamic warmups and such, but not sure what to do about the tendonitis. Diets can certainly help, but genetics may play a larger role. Also occasionally I will have my workout partner do some PNF stretching on whatever muscle groups we covered that particular training day, your thoughts. After I lift weights, my muscles feel significantly weaker. I said that stretching does not in any way, weaken the power of my kicks throughout all my years in martial arts. Hi Doc, i am a college basketball players who trains twice a day about 4 times a week and once a day for 2 days a week doing workouts like lifting weights 6 days a week on top of basketball everyday and most days twice either playign full court games or skill work sessions so i basically train about 18 hours a week. One of my examples and exceptions that I note is the professional ballet dancers who I see (see the testimonials on this site) who now stretch significantly less once they have cleaned up their diet and other health issues. For instance, many of those dancers you talk about, may in fact have hypermobility as an underlying condition. I replies to your comment where the AT injury video is. Sometimes the area, in this case the leg, can be too flexible and once muscular and nervous system imbalances are corrected the 90 degree leg might only go to 80 degrees. About 12 days ago I began a whole body work out that is pretty intense (Jillian Michaels DVDs), after a few years of complete inactivity and muscle loss. I was not inflexible, I just had poor swim technique, and that needed correction. The orthotics definitely make it more comfortable to stand or walk for long periods of time, but now it hurts to wear any other shoe. I have been reading a lot of the information you have discussed about AT and also watched your 9 minute video. This temporarily weakens the fibers, reducing strength and increasing the probability of injury. All your meals are delivered to your home. So balance your muscles and your entire body by balancing your life with proper exercise, diet, and other lifestyle factors. I would like to hear your advice as far as maintaining and advancing on flexibility but not weakening the associated muscles. Your patience and graciousness while being subjected to numerous personal attacks speaks highly of your character. I appreciate the time you take for everyone. Is there a way that we as humans can raise our natural levels of thymosins. Wow, I found your site while I was searching for shoes for overpronation. If they do, you are causing muscle imbalances from improper technique or exerting yourself more than you should be at the given time. What is going to prevent that is that the muscle is functioning properly, which is what I discuss in the rather long post here. I will start going barefoot in my home and see how it goes. I do experience a lot of pain but in the end it makes me a better dancer. Nutritionally I am a vegetarian, and am wondering if the B12 deficiency may be part of my issue. I decided to write here this time as I stopped streching on New Years Day and was quickly able to start running (almost) normally again. I think you should do some research into collagen tissue disorders like Ehlers-Danlos and hypermobility. Meat and eggs would be your best option for B12. I am still having pain in my feet, legs, and hips and knee. Will my inflexibility do harm to me in any way. This year is going to be a totally amazing one with a set of new promotions and deals to attract dieters to the best diet meal home delivery program around. And even a small chimp is capable of literally tearing the limbs off of a human. The same can be applied to trigger points as if someone needs to treat themself every day. But even a lion in captivity is muscular and powerful. But at the same time i need a larger range of motion for what i do than alot of other sports, so i do train my flexibility by means of stretching on a almost regular basis. Animals are much more independent than humans are when it comes to injuries. Good way to draw attention and increase web traffic, but the titillating title tactic is a turn-off. Too much caffeine, and especially the excitotoxins MSG and aspartame (Nutrasweet) often will give you the muscle aches and tightness along with many other health problems. I have run in this type of shoes before but never used to do my long runs in them. Hi there I just spend 10 minutes reading your theory, I have a question, I want to learn Kung fu, or even just be move flexible, I want to be able to stand on one leg the other one agasindt the wall and touch my chip on it, if stretching is bad how will I achieve this. I read another article that said I should not stretch. Whenever I trained on my own and skipped stretching I pulled a muscles or pinched a nerve at least a quarter of the time. B12 deficiency could be, but so could a protein deficiency or a carbohydrate excess, or a fatty acid deficiency. After two days I massaged the area with my finger but I made it hurt more. In this case, there is something affecting your entire nervous system, and the muscles are reacting to whatever the problem is. Stretching may increase your flexibility, but you will most likely be weaker and the results are often short-lived. By the next morning, she was almost completely healed. I tried running last year but the pain was not bearable. My teammates could easily stretch and find my inflexibility amusing. I agree that physiological research has shown that stretching causes excessive elongation of muscle fibers. Not only do they stretch less, (but yes, still stretch), they are MORE flexible, and LESS injured. Essentially, if you are moving well throughout the day you are always stretching to some degree. I see methyl B12 to work better than the common Cyan or Hydroxyl B12. Personally I warm up then foam roll, then after my workout I will roll again but with a lacrosse ball. Then one would hold this position and apply gentle tension (up to about 20% of normal force, for about 8-10 seconds) to the muscle. Not all inflammatory issues are from a food allergy, but some are, and many can be provoked by a food sensitivity. Stretching is very important to me because as a dancer, I have to go beyond what a normal person can do, if a normal person can lift their leg at 90 degrees then I have to be able to lift my leg 180 degrees and stretching allows me to do that. It is also hard to get out of bed in the morning. I have AT from over training my body by running too much. You make many great points about the necessity of spending more time barefoot and I have always wondered about the value of stretching. I realized earlier in the week that this area has not felt right for a long time, not painful but there has been a general tightness there. I still feel that as with a warm-up, aerobic activity and natural movements (dynamic stretching as some call it) are always best. Obviously this is due to lactic acid build up, would stretching not help clear this, it certainly can make the muscle feel less sore afterwards. So as I note in some individuals, including the professional dancers I see, some static stretching may and often provides some benefit. Most yoga classes today have students trying to force themselves into a yoga pose they are not ready to do and they overstretch. If there is a lot of inflammation in your body, perhaps from eating too many processed vegetable fats such as corn, soy, safflower, and peanut oil, this can result in tight muscles throughout your body. However, I was wondering if there might be a typical muscle imbalance which can lead to quadriceps tenodonitis. I recently updated it with info on flat feet. Best free advice I can give you is to read the articles I mentioned. The thought that stretching relaxes and is therapeutic for tight muscles is not only a misconception, it has never been proven. Interesting information, except for the bogus stuff about vegetarians and persons who consume lots of carbohydrates being more prone to inflammation. However, you seem to want to blow this up and talk more in depth about foam rolling and trigger points. If getting yourself started on one of the easiest dieting programs around is your aim, then choosing a Nutrisystem diet plan is a very wise decision. Thyroid and adrenal gland hormone imbalances can result in similar problems too. If not I can summarize and translate the main points if you want. So he pulled me out of the pool and showed me what to do on land. How do you recommend people treat tight anterior hips from too much sitting. Does this mean that I need to in turn strengthen my quadriceps. A high carbohydrate diet, especially one containing refined sugars, can also make your nervous system more stressed and your muscles feel tight. I can very quickly recover after every run. But when I was able to do on land what he wanted me to do in the water he was amazed I could extend my body (arm) out so much. Walk and run naturally (barefoot or in minimalist shoes, whatever you are ready for) and check out the Shin Splint post and video on this site. I remember when my puppy stepped on a nail that literally went through her foot. You sound like a smart guy and I believe the more people who become aware of underlying problems like Ehlers-Danlos, the more we can truly understand about the structure of the billions of expressions of our genetics. However physiological research HAS shown that light post-activity static stretching increases blood flow, flexibility, and decreases recovery time. I am a competitive cross country ski racer, and about 7 months ago I injured my back downhill skiing. I could not figure out static stretching for the life of me when I was running track and XC in high school. If you or I suffered a serious wound, we would likely need medical intervention to close the wound, but if you look at other mammals, they can sustain quite serious lacerations and they heal rapidly. Also individuals under significant stress will lose the necessary intrinsic factor in the stomach needed to properly absorb B12, resulting in tight connective tissue and muscles, and the need to stretch. No I did not say that stretching makes me stronger. I have a much different treatment approach but I think the people at Z-Health are worth a shot. The idea that many physicians, therapists, coaches, and athletes have that you need to stretch a tight muscle to relax it and exercise a neurologically weak muscle to strengthen it is incorrect. Increased flexibility in your groin does not equate to less injury, regardless of how those muscles need to be used. Another thought is that what good are self defense techniques if one has to stretch before combat. Of course, stretching will not help any of these problems though it may provide temporary relief. Typical stretching routines will still weaken muscles and promote injury. Yes there are exceptions, and Ehlers-Danlos may certainly be one of them. Static stretching should never be done before activity.

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Weight loss excercise routine